Hire 10X faster

How it works

Connect your entire candidate pipeline and get the top 10 candidates in 2 days!

Features 01
Share your requirements

1. Select your preferences

Tell us what you're looking for and let us do all the leg work!

  • Select position, coding language, framework
  • Provide compensation & other preferences
  • Provide location & work style (remote/on-site)
Features 02
Launch CodeRound campaign

2. Connect ATS or Upload CSV

Tired of reaching out to candidates one at a time? Reach out to all your candidates in one go!

  • Connect your ATS or upload CSV
  • Select candidates to send the CodeRound Interview
  • Invite Candidates via WhatsApp & Email
Features 03
Sit back & relax

3. Get top candidates in 2 days

We rank, recommend and send evaluation reports of all candidates with hire recos of the top 10 so that you can go from interview-to-offer in 1 WEEK.

  • Get all the compiled candidate reports in one place.
  • Review the CodeRound recommendation rubrick.
  • Interview the top candidates & close position.