Your Co-pilot for AI & Tech Hiring!

Our AI interviews your entire pipeline in 2 days!

Accelerate hiring by 10X using CodeRound

CodeRound removes the toil from technical hiring

Accelerate your technial hiring by 10X

Job post to offer in 1 week. Get screening & L1 interviews done by AI on day 1 of job application.

Automate interviews and save time & money

CodeRound pays for itself many times over. Save 90% in HR & engineering time and cost per position.

Reclaim HR & engineering bandwidth

Engineers can now focus on building product and spend 80% lesser time interviewing candidates.

Real-time evaluation

Receive instant feedback on candidate's problem solving and coding skills.

Reduce drop-offs by 6X

No more postponing of technical interviews because of interviwer unavailability.

10X hiring experience

Give your candidates an amazing hiring experience that is smooth, free of anxiety and devoid of human judgement.

You Run a Recruitment Agency?

Testimonial 01
— CodeRound filtered our pool of candidates from 200 to 4 and helped me hire 5x faster!
Aarshay Jain - CTO, InHouse
Testimonial 02
— Our candidate drop offs are almost non-existent thanks to CodeRound’s super fast interview process. We can rely on them.
Shaurya Verma - Founder, MDJunior
Testimonial 03
— CodeRound has saved us 100s of hours of engineering time. Our engineers can now focus on what they do best - building products.

Want to hire 10X faster?

Lets connect and discuss how we can be of help